Problems with Low Thiamine

Weakness: 5 of 8Image by Marco P. Sanchez via FlickrThiamine or Vitamin B1 is needed in numerous cellular processes in the body. It is used in converting carbohydrates from food into energy. It is especially useful in proper muscle and nervous system functioning.
Thiamine is found in many types of food including meat, grains, beans, and nuts. But since there is very little thiamine stored in the body, this B vitamin can be depleted as quickly as within two weeks.

Poor diet and crash dieting can lead to thiamine deficiency. Chronic alcohol excess will also put you at risk for deficits. There are also certain health conditions that can cause low thiamine levels like liver dysfunction, kidney problems, and genetic problems in thiamine metabolism.

The early symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency are nonspecific, thus they are easy to miss. This includes fatigue, poor digestion, irritability, mental depression, and appetite loss. All of these symptoms can be attributed to other conditions and illnesses. Later on, other signs and symptoms can be noted such as loss of weight, mental depression, nervous exhaustion, insomnia, and slow heartbeat.

Other conditions associated with thiamine deficiency are muscular weakness and leg cramps. Lack of thiamine can lead to tingling, painful, or numb feet and hands, called peripheral neuropathy. Individuals with high risk of neuropathy or have a chronic medical condition should include lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in the diet. It is especially important that early diagnosis and treatment of peripheral neuropathy is done.

Although there is no way to prevent all cases of neuropathy, careful management of the underlying diseases or problems can help prevent it. The symptoms will improve once the cause is determined and treated correctly.
In the case of peripheral neuropathy due to lack of thiamine, the condition can be corrected.

Nerve damage is common in individuals with thiamine and vitamin B12 deficiencies. Reversing thiamine deficiency is a popular and often highly successful way to nutritionally manage peripheral neuropathy. This is easily done with a neuropathy supplement with thiamine, vitamin B12, and alpha lipoic acid.
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