5 Options in Treating Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is damage to the nerves of the peripheral nervous system. There are numerous signs and symptoms but the common ones are temporary numbness, tingling sensations, sensitivity to touch, or muscle weakness of the feet, legs, hands, and arms. Sometimes, people experience extreme symptoms such as burning pain and even paralysis.

There are also a lot of available treatment options and neuropathy patients can try out management combinations that work best for them.

Medications such as over the counter pain killers can sometimes help relieve mild symptoms. Garbapentin and phenytoin are anti seizure medications but these are also prescribed for nerve pain. A few antidepressants like amitriptyline for example, have also been found to relieve pain. Lidocaine patches can be applied to the painful area. Tramadol is an opiate based painkiller reserved for patients who do not respond to any other treatment. All drug based medications can have side effects so be aware if any of these produce unwanted results.

Injection therapy involves numbing the nerves of the affected area providing fast but temporary pain relief. This procedure is done by injecting an anesthetic agent, usually lidocane, to the nerves, preventing pain impulses from going to the brain. Injection therapy is typically done with other treatment methods like physical therapy.

Physical therapy is done to improve blood circulation, strength and function in areas affected by peripheral neuropathy. This includes both active and passive exercises. Stretching and passive range of motion exercise are done to maintain range of motion. Muscle strengthening includes isometric exercise and active exercises.
Surgery is done for certain conditions that may cause peripheral neuropathy. Carpal tunnel syndrome and a nerve compressing tumor are among the conditions that cause peripheral neuropathy and the only effective treatment is to surgically remove the compressing entity. In such cases, the carpal ligament is permanently cut and the tumor is removed to relieve pressure to the nerves.

A common cause of peripheral neuropathy is thiamine deficiency. It leads to tingling, numbness, sharp pains, or burning of the extremities. A neuropathy supplement with vitamin B12, thiamine, alpha lipoic acid, and DHEA has been shown to be an effective management method for peripheral neuropathy.

Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy

One of the most common chronic diseases is peripheral neuropathy. This is a nerve disease that commonly affects the extremities.

The symptoms depend on which nerves are affected. It also differs on whether one nerve or multiple nerves are damaged.

The frequent symptoms are weakness of the muscles. When there is nerve damage, it is difficult to control the muscles. It can be hard to grip or open objects using the hands. The legs can also buckle or you may trip over because of this. There may also be frequent cramps or twitching of the extremities. There may be loss of coordination and on rare instances, even paralysis of the muscles.

Another common symptom is numbness in the arms or legs or both. This is an early sign of damage to the nerves. Often, the feet are first to be affected followed by the hands and arms as the condition progresses. Because of the loss of feeling in the lower extremities, you may not notice even if there is a blister on your feet. When the arms and hands are affected, one may not become aware of touching objects that is too hot or too cold. In some individuals, this can be felt as prickling sensations.

Others may experience severe symptoms such as pain especially during the night. A light touch of the bed sheet on the feet can sometimes be felt as burning pain. Sometimes there can be sharp pain or jabbing pain. This also happens when the nerve is damaged.

When any of the signs and symptoms of neuropathy are noted, one should seek medical advice at the soonest possible time. This will minimize the chances of having severe complications.

Medical practitioners agree that taking on a healthy lifestyle is vital in the management of peripheral neuropathy. For instance, doing regular exercises can reduce cramps, prevent muscle wasting, and increase muscle strength.

Vitamin deficiencies such as lack of thiamine can cause nerve problems. Correcting nutritional problems and low vitamin levels can greatly help relieve symptoms. A neuropathy supplement with thiamine, vitamin B12, and DHEA has been found to be an effective way to nutritionally manage peripheral neuropathy.

The Use of Glucosamine for Joint Pain and Inflammation

From Gray's Anatomy.Image via Wikipedia
Glucosamine is a naturally occurring chemical in the body that is found in the fluid around the joints. The body produces this amino sugar which is then distributed to the cartilages and other connective tissues. It is now one of the most common dietary supplements used by adults. There are various types of glucosamine including glucosamine sulfate, glucosamine hydrochrloride, and N-acetyl-glucosamine.

For arthritis and joint pain, glucosamine sulfate is frequently used. Because the glucosamine found naturally in the body is utilized to make and repair joint cartilage, glucosamine supplement is widely used to augment the glucosamine supply in the body and help repair damaged cartilage.

In osteoarthritis, the cartilage, or the material that cushions the joints, loses its natural elasticity. It can become very stiff, thus prone to damage. When there is damage to the cartilage, it can lead to swelling, pain, and loss of movement. It usually occurs later in life and most commonly affects the hands and knees.

Aging brings along natural wear and tear that leads to degeneration of joints and loss of cartilage. The cartilage cushions the ends of bones and over time, the smooth surface of the cartilage becomes rough. As the cartilage wears down, the ends of the bones are damaged and this is then felt as joint pain and stiffness.

There is really no cure for osteoarthritis. The goals of management are to relieve pain, preserve function of the joints, and reduce physical disability. Among the medications used are pain killers and cortisone shots. Therapy is likewise helpful. To avoid excessive stress on the joints, maintain ideal weight and use assistive devices.

Some studies have revealed that glucosamine sulfate provided joint pain relief. It is recognized as one of the leading supplements for keeping the joints healthy by providing strength and elasticity. It has also gained popularity as a safe alternative to NSAIDs for relieving pain and inflammation.
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Alcohol and Gout - What You Need to Know

Beer cans and bottles.Image via Wikipedia
Gout is a medical condition that is characterized by recurrent bouts of sudden stiffness, burning pain, and swelling of a joint, most commonly the big toe. The attacks of gout can recur and over time, the condition can harm the joints, tendons, and other tissues if not treated early.

Although it most often affects the large joint of the big toe, gout can affect other joints including the knees, ankles, feet, elbows, wrists, and hands. It frequently affects one joint at a time. But in chronic cases, it can affect several joints.

Gout is caused by excessive uric acid in the blood, but not all people with elevated uric acid levels develop gout. Gout can seem to flare up without any specific cause.

Some factors are known to bring about gout attacks such as obesity. A high purine diet or a diet that is rich in meat and seafood is another contributing factor. Other factors that may elevate uric acid in the body are certain medicines, rapid weight loss, chronic kidney disease, high blood pressure, and hypothyroidism.

It has been noted that men who drink alcohol may double their likelihood of developing gout. Researchers believe that although genes and environmental factors may lead to gout, regular alcohol consumption has caused an increase in cases of gout in the past three decades. Compared to other alcoholic beverages, beer contains much higher amounts of purines.

The researchers believe that alcohol consumption increases the risk of gout. Alcohol has high purine content that leads to an increased purine load. The digestive process then breaks down the purine compounds, leading to the formation of uric acid. When the uric acid is deposited in the joints, it leads to gout formation by stimulating an intense inflammatory reaction. The result is painful, red, and swollen joints.

Alcohol may also contribute to obesity, which in turn is associated with inadequate excretion of uric acid.
To prevent gout, avoid fish, particularly anchovies, crab, mackerel, sardines, and shrimps. Other foods to avoid are meat, organ meats, and meat extracts. People with history of gout should avoid excessive alcohol consumption or refrain from drinking alcohol altogether.

A gout supplement with cherry extract can help alleviate gout symptoms and has helped many gout sufferers.
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Maintaining Healthy Joints with Glucosamine Supplement

Diagram of a synovial (diarthrosis) joint.Image via Wikipedia
Glucosamine is a naturally occurring chemical in the body found in the fluid that is around the joints. The body produces this amino sugar and distributes it to the cartilages and other connective tissues. It is now one of the most common dietary supplements used by adults. There are several forms of glucosamine including glucosamine sulfate, glucosamine hydrochrloride, and N-acetyl-glucosamine.

Glucosamine sulfate is commonly used for arthritis and joint pain. Since the natural glucosamine found in the body is used to make and repair joint cartilage, glucosamine supplement is widely used to augment the glucosamine supply in the body and help repair damaged cartilage.

In osteoarthritis, the cartilage, or the material that protects the joints, loses its natural elasticity. It may become very stiff, making it prone to damage. When the cartilage is damaged, it can lead to loss of movement, pain, and swelling. Most often, it occurs later in life and usually affects the hands and knees.

The natural wear and tear that comes with aging leads to joint degeneration and loss of cartilage. The cartilage cushions the ends of bones and over time, the smooth surface of the cartilage becomes rough. When the cartilage wears down, the ends of the bones are damaged and this is felt as joint pain and stiffness.

There is no real treatment for osteoarthritis. The goals of management are to relieve pain, preserve joint function, and reduce physical disability. Medications include pain killers and cortisone shots. Therapy is likewise helpful. Avoid stressing the joints, maintain ideal weight, and use assistive devices to reduce stress on the joints.

Some studies have shown that glucosamine sulfate gave relief from joint pain. It is recognized as one of the more popular supplements for keeping the joints healthy by providing strength and elasticity. It has also gained popularity as a safe alternative to NSAIDs for relieving pain and inflammation.

What is DHEA

DHEA or dehydroepiandrosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the body. It is produced mostly in the adrenal glands but also produced by the gonads and the brain.

Like the other hormones testosterone and estrogen, DHEA levels start to decrease after the age of 30. The levels of DHEA is also said to be diminished in people with anorexia, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, and critically ill. Some researchers think that replacing DHEA with supplements may suppress some diseases and conditions.

This hormone is used for improving thinking skills in older people, slowing down the aging process, and improves well being. It is also used to prevent age related heart disease and metabolic syndrome. Studies have revealed that adult men with high plasma DHEA-S levels are less likely to die of cardiovascular disease. DHEA is also used to ease depression and fatigue as it was shown in research that there was improvement in measures of depression compared to those who were administered a placebo. It is quite promising for the alleviation of non major depression, although more studies need to be done.

Since the levels of this hormone decreases with aging, some researchers theorize that using DHEA supplements may help the overall health. Clinical evidence has revealed that older individuals had reduced abdominal fat and a decrease in insulin resistance after six months of taking the supplement.

DHEA is also used for boosting the immune system. The anti inflammatory properties of DHEA can potentially improve illnesses like nerve problems and certain types of cancer. It is frequently used by those with arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, certain nerve conditions, and those who want to fight the effects of aging. It is also suggested that it may prevent the growth and recurrence of some types of cancer, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis in women.

DHEA is applied to the skin or taken by mouth. It may also be combined with vitamin B1 and B12 for proper nerve function, available as a natural neuropathy supplement.

Basic Foot Care for Diabetics

People with diabetes are more prone to develop various foot problems. For diabetics, these can lead to serious complications if not managed early. This can be avoided by having the feet checked at least once a year by a foot doctor. It is very important to have a podiatrist in the health care team aside from the physician managing the blood glucose levels.

The individual should also inspect the feet on a daily basis for any blisters, cuts, sores, or red spots and must consult the foot doctor if any of these things are found. There is a risk of developing serious foot infection in people with diabetes. Guarding against infection is vital for diabetics. The most basic way to prevent cuts or blisters is by wearing well fitting shoes and socks at all times. Also, make it a habit to check inside the shoes for gravel or any object that can cause foot injury before wearing them. Do not walk barefoot.

Dry skin is also a frequent problem. Other skin conditions that can occur are corn, calluses, fungal infections, and cracked skin. A thin coat of lotion can be used to keep the skin soft and moisturized. Use this only over the tops and bottoms of the feet, not between the toes. Calluses must be managed by a podiatrist because these can lead to open wounds.

Keeping the feet clean daily is very important. Use water at room temperature along with a mild soap and dry the feet thoroughly especially between the toes after washing. Avoid ingrown toenails by trimming nails straight across instead of curved.

Avoid smoking as this raises the chances of developing foot problems. This may lead to poor blood circulation and poor healing.

Another potential problem is nerve damage or diabetic neuropathy. Around 60 to 70 percent of people with diabetes have some form of neuropathy, the most common of which is peripheral neuropathy. The symptoms may be mild tingling of the feet, numbness, or pain in the toes, feet, legs, arms, and fingers. The risk increases with age and the duration of diabetes.

In many cases, peripheral neuropathy is also due to vitamin B1 or thiamine deficiency. Vitamin deficiencies, especially B vitamins can cause damage to the nerve tissues, causing painful neuropathy of the extremities. If any symptoms are felt, see a foot doctor immediately for proper management. Taking supplements are also important in the treatment and prevention of neuropathies.

The Importance of Vitamin D

Low Vitamin D Linked to NFL Injuries.

Low levels of vitamin D can increase a professional athlete's chances of injury, according to study findings by Summit Medical Group, a study of 89 players from the NFL's New York Giants during their 2010 pre-season evaluations, 80 percent of the players were found to have insufficient levels of vitamin D.

Findings also revealed that African American players and players who suffered muscle injuries had significantly lower levels. For the study they analyzed data on the number of players who had lost time because of muscle injuries. Vitamin D levels were then classified based on player race and time lost because of muscle injury.

It was presented at the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine's (AOSSM) Annual Meeting in San Diego on Sunday July 10, 2011.

Symptoms and Health Risks attributed to Vitamin D Deficiency

Symptoms of muscle pain and bone pain can mean you have a vitamin D deficiency. However, for a lot of people, the symptoms are subtle. But even without symptoms, too little vitamin D can pose health risks.

Inadequate blood levels of the vitamin have been associated with the following:

1. Higher risk of death from heart disease
2. Cognitive impairment in older adults
3. Severe asthma in children
4. Certain forms of cancer

Vitamin D is manufactured in the body when bare skin is exposed to sunlight. The body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium, a mineral essential to bone structure, muscle function and cardiovascular health. According to the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, a deficiency of vitamin D can cause muscle weakness and pain and low bone-mineral density in both adults and children. Studies have shown a correlation between the incidence of traumatic injuries and vitamin D status.

Research suggests that vitamin D can play a role in the prevention and treatment of a number of different conditions, including type1 and type 2 diabetes, hypertension, glucose intolerance, and multiple sclerosis.

New research has connected vitamin-D deficiency to higher risk of muscle injuries in athletes.

Researchers looked at 89 football players from a single NFL team and conducted lab tests of vitamin D levels in the spring of 2010. The mean age of the players was 25.The team gave the researchers data to allow them to determine which players had lost time because of muscle injuries.The results showed that 27 players had deficient levels of the sunshine vitamin, and 45 more had levels consistent with insufficiency.

Only 17 players had levels within normal limits. Sixteen players had suffered a muscle injuryand the mean vitamin-D level of the injured players was 19.9 nh/mL, a deficient value.

Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency can occur for a number of reasons:
1. You don't consume the recommended levels of the vitamin over time. This is likely if you follow a strictly vegetarian diet, because most of the natural sources are animal-based, including fish and fish oils, egg yolks, cheese, and beef liver.

2. You have limited exposure to sunlight. Because the body makes vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunlight, you may be at risk of deficiency if you are homebound, reside in northern latitudes, wear long robes or head coverings for religious reasons, or have an occupation that prevents sun exposure.

3. You have dark skin. The pigment melanin reduces the skin's ability to make vitamin D in response to sunlight exposure. Some studies show that older adults with darker skin are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency.

4. Your kidneys cannot convert vitamin D to its active form. With aging, the kidneys are less able to convert vitamin D to its active form, thus increasing the risk of vitamin D deficiency.

5. Your digestive tract cannot adequately absorb vitamin D. Some medical problems, including Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, and celiac disease, can affect your intestine's ability to absorb vitamin D from the food you eat.

6. You are overweight. Vitamin D is extracted from the blood by fat cells, affecting its release into the circulation. People with a body mass index of 30 or more often have low blood levels of vitamin D

Treatment for Vitamin D Deficiency

Treatment for vitamin D deficiency involves getting more vitamin D -- through diet, supplements, and/or through spending more time under the sun. Although there is no consensus on vitamin D levels required for optimal health -- and it likely differs depending on age and health conditions -- a concentration of less than 20 nanograms per milliliter is generally considered inadequate, requiring treatment.

Simple blood test can be obtained to know if serum concentrations are within the acceptable normal limit, and those who are found to be deficient or on the lower end of normal with muscle aches, recurrent stress fractures, or other symptoms will be placed on some form of supplementary treatment protocol.

Guidelines from the Institute of Medicine call for increasing the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin D to 600 international units (IU) for everyone aged 1-70, and raising it to 800 IU for adults older than 70 to optimize bone health. If you don't spend much time in the sun or always are careful to cover your skin, as sunscreen inhibits vitamin D production, you should speak to your doctor about taking a vitamin D supplement, especially if you have other risk factors for vitamin D deficiency as mentioned earlier.

Many foods and drinks have fortified vitamin D as well, and also many doctor's offices are offering supplementation or at least recommendations for such in their offices.

Article by Dr. Brian Timm of the Family Foot and Leg Center, PA

How to Prevent Peripheral Neuropathy in Diabetics

SEELOW, BRANDENBURG - AUGUST 08:  Country doct...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeIn time, people with diabetes can develop nerve damage or neuropathy. Around 60 percent of diabetics can have some form of neuropathy. Some people may have nerve damage with no symptoms while others experience nerve problems. This can be felt as pain, tingling, or numbness of the hands and feet.

The risk of having some degree of neuropathy increases with the duration of the diabetes. Peopel with uncontrolled blood sugar levels also have increased risk of having neuropathy. Other factors are high blood pressure and obesity or being overweight.

Diabetic neuropathies can be due to a number of causes. The most common are elevated blood glucose, high blood fat levels, and long duration of diabetes. Another reason is inflammation of the nerves caused by autoimmune factors. Heredity also plays a role in increased susceptibility to nerve disease. Smoking and alcohol use are also contributing factors to developing neuropathy.

The symptoms usually start as numbness, tingling, or pain in the feet. Later on, the numbness or pain can be felt in the toes, legs, arms, hands, and fingers. Other signs and symptoms of neuropathy include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, dizziness, and weakness.

There are also different types of diabetic neuropathy but the most frequent type is peripheral neuropathy. The feet and legs are commonly affected first, followed by the hands and arms. It is a long term complication of diabetes and the damage to the nerves continues over a long time.

For diabetics, controlling the blood glucose levels and having regular exercise can help prevent neuropathy. Consume foods that are lower in calories and higher in complex carbohydrates such as those found in vegetables, beans, and whole grains.

Nerve damage is also very common in people with vitamin B12 deficiency. This vitamin is vital for proper functioning of the nervous system and in the production of red blood cells. Also, a lack of vitamin B1 or thiamine is linked to vascular system damage, which includes the nerves in the hands and feet. Thiamine is essential for a lot of metabolic functions of the body.

In addition to good diet, proper exercise a neuropathy supplement containing B1 and B12 can help diabetics and non diabetics to avoid tingling, numbness, and burning pains to the feet and hands.

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The Use of Cherry Extract in Gout Treatment

A pair of cherries from the same stalk. Prunus...Image via WikipediaNatural treatments for gout are becoming more popular lately. This is because these are more inexpensive than drug based ones and they really work. Research has shown that cherries are very promising in gout management.

Cherries belong to the genus Prunus. The native range of the wild cherry can be found through most of Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Cherries are rich in anthocyanins, shown to reduce pain and inflammation in rats. Anthocyanins are very powerful antioxidants. These are particularly found in concentrated amounts as pigments in berries. Anthocyanin pigments have shown the ability to protect against a lot of human diseases. These are members of the flavinoid group of phytochemicals. Laboratory tests have shown potential health benefits against aging, cancer, bacterial infections, and inflammation.

In gout, uric acid overload in the body leads to the formation of tiny crystal deposits in the joints. Joint inflammation or arthritis is due to the formation of crystals. Gout is a chronic condition and it is a progressive disease involving the joints. The attacks are very painful with rapid onset of joint inflammation, pain, heat, and redness of the affected joint tissues.

Medications that reduce inflammation are very important in the treatment of gout. Prevention of future attacks is equally important as treating acute gout attacks. To avoid attacks, ensure adequate fluid intake and reduce alcohol intake. Weight reduction is another way to manage gout. Dietary changes and avoiding foods rich in protein and purines are important.

Pain relievers, NSAIDS, colchichine, allopurinol, and corticosteroids are the usual gout medications. In addition to gout medicines, gout supplements have shown to aid in preventing gout attacks. Cherry extract has very powerful anti inflammatory properties. Preliminary research suggests that eating around 20 cherries a day or around one cup can cut the risk of recurrent gout attacks by fifty percent. Take supplements with wild cherry to easily and conveniently manage gout, with equally excellent results.

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Problems with Low Thiamine

Weakness: 5 of 8Image by Marco P. Sanchez via FlickrThiamine or Vitamin B1 is needed in numerous cellular processes in the body. It is used in converting carbohydrates from food into energy. It is especially useful in proper muscle and nervous system functioning.
Thiamine is found in many types of food including meat, grains, beans, and nuts. But since there is very little thiamine stored in the body, this B vitamin can be depleted as quickly as within two weeks.

Poor diet and crash dieting can lead to thiamine deficiency. Chronic alcohol excess will also put you at risk for deficits. There are also certain health conditions that can cause low thiamine levels like liver dysfunction, kidney problems, and genetic problems in thiamine metabolism.

The early symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency are nonspecific, thus they are easy to miss. This includes fatigue, poor digestion, irritability, mental depression, and appetite loss. All of these symptoms can be attributed to other conditions and illnesses. Later on, other signs and symptoms can be noted such as loss of weight, mental depression, nervous exhaustion, insomnia, and slow heartbeat.

Other conditions associated with thiamine deficiency are muscular weakness and leg cramps. Lack of thiamine can lead to tingling, painful, or numb feet and hands, called peripheral neuropathy. Individuals with high risk of neuropathy or have a chronic medical condition should include lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in the diet. It is especially important that early diagnosis and treatment of peripheral neuropathy is done.

Although there is no way to prevent all cases of neuropathy, careful management of the underlying diseases or problems can help prevent it. The symptoms will improve once the cause is determined and treated correctly.
In the case of peripheral neuropathy due to lack of thiamine, the condition can be corrected.

Nerve damage is common in individuals with thiamine and vitamin B12 deficiencies. Reversing thiamine deficiency is a popular and often highly successful way to nutritionally manage peripheral neuropathy. This is easily done with a neuropathy supplement with thiamine, vitamin B12, and alpha lipoic acid.
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Peripheral Neuropathy Can Be Improved With Supplements

Local Fruit and VegetablesImage by Carol Moshier via Flickr
The peripheral nerves send information to and from the brain. These nerves also carry signals to and from the spinal cord to the rest of the body. The term peripheral neuropathy means that there is damage to these nerves. The nerves may not be functioning properly or there can be some degree of nerve damage. It frequently causes numbness or tingling sensation in the hands and feet.

There are numerous causes of peripheral neuropathy. The condition can be due to physical injury or trauma, infection, toxins, alcoholism, nutritional deficiencies, or metabolic problems. One of the most frequent causes of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes.

Neuropathies are among the most common problems of diabetes. This arises when blood sugar remains elevated for a long time. This is often noted as tingling of the feet or a feeling of pins and needles in the feet. Other times, there is burning or shooting pain in the feet or the feet and hands get very cold or very hot. In more severe cases, there may be numbness of the feet.

In the management of peripheral neuropathy, the underlying cause must first be corrected. The condition often improves on its own when the cause is effectively managed. For instance, those caused by vitamin deficiencies can be corrected with better diet and vitamin therapy. When neuropathy is related to diabetes, the blood sugar levels should be monitored and put under control.

There are a lot of drugs that can be used to relieve the pain of peripheral neuropathy. To control mild symptoms, over the counter pain medications can be used. Early diagnosis and treatment is the key because the peripheral nerves only have a limited capacity to regenerate. In advanced cases, most treatments may only stop the progression but cannot reverse the damage that has been incurred.

The best approach is preventing peripheral neuropathy from occurring. It can be as basic as eating a healthy diet with more fresh fruits and vegetables. It is helpful that essential vitamins and minerals are included in the diet. Low fat meat, whole grains, and low fat dairy products are excellent for the body. Regular exercise and avoiding alcoholic drinks can help prevent nerve damage.

Thiamine deficiency or lack of vitamin B1 is a known cause of peripheral neuropathy. Reversing thiamine deficiency is a good and often highly successful way to nutritionally manage peripheral neuropathy. In addition to thiamine, vitamin B12, DHEA, and alpha lipoic acid are very helpful, and these can be taken as neuropathy supplement such as NeuRx.
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My Feet Have Neuropathy - What Is It?

Man's FeetImage via Wikipedia
30% of the population suffers from idiopathic neuropathy, which is neuropathy from an unknown cause. 
But what is neuropathy? 
Neuropathy is a disorder of the nerves. Neuropathy presents as symptoms in the hands, more often the feet, such as tingling, numbness, burning, the feeling of bugs crawling on the skin, and in the worst cases, shooting pains. 
Although 30% of neuropathy is from an unknown cause, another 30% is from a known cause, Diabetes. A few other causes are chronic alcoholism, shingles, medications, AIDS, deficiencies in vitamins, cancer drugs, toxins, and certain diseases/disorders.

Why does my diabetes cause neuropathy?
Patients with diabetes whose glucose/sugar has been out of control for longstanding periods of time develop neuropathy. Simply put, the disease affects your nerves when you do not take control of your sugar levels. Usually the symptoms start in the fingers as numbness first. Eventually the symptoms are felt in the toes and feet. 
Neuropathy is reversible up to a certain point, but irreversible once the glucose has been uncontrolled for too long. Many diabetic patients complain of no feeling on the bottom of both of their feet! This is when trouble can occur, if you can't feel it, you don't know it! In other words, a diabetic patient with neuropathy (or any patient with neuropathy) may step on something and never realize the skin is broken on the bottom of the foot. Bacteria may contaminate this opening, leading to an ulceration and infection. It's at this point that you may hear of diabetic patients with ulcerations, infections, and in the worst cases, amputations!

How is neuropathy treated?
There are many treatments for neuropathy that are dependant on each individual case. These include vitamin supplements, prescription medications, diet and glucose/sugar control, and various non-invasive therapies. The most important treatment is prevention, in the case of diabetes. 
Although uncontrollable in some cases, neuropathy is preventable and controllable in diabetes. Diet and sugar maintenance are paramount in effectively minimizing the effect of neuropathy. But remember, chronic long-term uncontrolled sugar = irreversible neuropathy. When this neuropathy is associated with pain, the problem is magnified.

Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency is a well known cause of peripheral neuropathy. A neuropathy supplement can help improve the symptoms.
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Facts About Calcium

500 mg calcium supplement tablets, with vitami...Image via WikipediaA very important mineral that is absolutely needed is calcium. Patients commonly think that calcium is only needed to promote strong healthy bones and teeth, but it is also good to know that it also plays a vital role in multiple body systems.

Calcium is needed for muscle contractions, it help carry substances between the cell wall, it transferring signals from one neuron to another and is also vital in maintaining the ph balance of blood.

Calcium levels are constantly regulated by the body, The bones are used to store calcium. When needed, especially when the blood becomes acidic, calcium is slowly released from the bone and reabsorbed again if there is excess calcium.

Calcium supplements are needed to prevent and treat any calcium deficiency. A typical 20 year old adult needs about 1000mg of calcium a day and teenagers who are at a growth spur needs about 1200 mg a day. Medical experts recommend that supplements are taken in with food and is also advised to spread the does taking half the dose in the morning and the other half in the evening, this is to improve calcium absorption.

Generally, vitamin D is added to calcium supplements. Vitamin D is important since this vitamin is converted into a hormone that synthesizes the production of intestinal proteins, these intestinal protein on the other hand, help in the absorption of calcium in the gut.

There are a lot of food stuffs rich is calcium. Milk is good source of calcium and is easily absorbed. The problem with milk is that a lot of individuals are lactose intolerant.

Soya Milk is a vegetable derived milk rich in protein, calcium is added to meet the required levels.

Another excellent source of calcium is coral calcium. This may be in tablet or powder form and this calcium supplement really comes from fossilized corals. Coral calcium is made of calcium carbonate and trace minerals.

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Learn the Basics of Gout

Yes checkImage via Wikipedia
Gout is a type of arthritis that can lead to sudden attacks of stiffness, joint swelling, and burning sensation on the affected joint. The big toe is most commonly affected but any joint in the body can develop gout. Repeated attacks of gout can occur and these can happen anytime of the day. If not treated early, these repeated gout attacks can cause damage to the joints and the surrounding tissues.

Gout is caused by high levels of blood uric acid. Having increased levels of uric acid does not necessarily mean the development of gout, since there are a lot of patients who never develop gout even with high levels of uric acid. Unfortunately, some patients with elevated blood uric acid levels form urate crystals along the joint. These crystal formations are the reason for the pain and swelling.

People who are overweight and those who are heavy drinkers of beer or alcohol have a greater risk of developing gout. Eating too much of meat and fish, particularly the internal organs like the liver and kidneys, can increase blood uric acid since these foods are high in purines. When the body breaks down purines, it forms uric acid. If more purine rich foods are consumed, then this leads to higher levels of uric acid.

Generally, the usual sign of gout is pain, swelling, redness, and tenderness to touch of the big toe that occurs during nighttime. This can last for weeks or months before the pain lessens. Months or years may pass before another gout attack happens.

To ease the pain of gout, it is helpful to rest the affected joint. Pain and swelling can be controlled by taking pain relievers or other anti inflammatory medications.

The best way to control gout pain is to prevent it from occurring. Dietary modifications such as limiting meat and fish intake can naturally reduce uric acid levels. Drinking a lot of fluids and taking in medications that lower uric acid greatly reduce the symptoms. A natural gout supplement can be used to assist with the symptoms of gout. This is a good alternative and does not cause any abdominal problems unlike pain killers.
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Got Gout? Avoid These Common Foods

Sausage, kiełbasa, szynkowaImage via WikipediaPeople should be aware that there are a lot of factors that contribute to gout attacks. These include certain medical conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol in the blood, and arteriosclerosis or narrowing of arteries.

Medications like diuretics and even low dose aspirin can trigger gout attacks because these increase levels of uric acid. The risk also increases if other family members have gout symptoms. Males are also more prone to have it than females.

Probably the most controllable of these risk factors is the diet. Unknowingly, there are certain foods that can increase the risk of gout. These include high protein and high purine foods. These cause increased levels of uric acid in the body which can form into crystals in the joints. These crystals cause inflammation and pain, commonly in the big toe.

Seafood such as scallops, mackerel, anchovies, herring, sardines, and salmon are some of those with the highest purine content. Shrimp and crab should also be avoided.

Organ meats such as liver, kidneys, brains, heart, and beef tongue are high in purines. These should be limited or avoided especially during attacks of gout.

Similarly, meats like beef, pork, and lamb should be limited. Game meats like pheasant, squirrel, grouse, and deer meat have fairly high purine levels. Limit the serving size of meats to two to three ounces per day. Poultry such as turkey and chicken are considered as having moderately high amounts so these can be consumed in moderation.

Processed meat such as hot dogs, bacon, lunch meats, sausages, bologna, salami, and pepperoni can also cause gout when consumed in excessive amounts.

Vegetables that are considered to be moderately high in purines include peas, lentils, asparagus, mushrooms, and cauliflower. These vegetables should be taken in moderation so as not to increase the gout risk.

Cherries have been shown to possess anti inflammatory properties. In a study, a cup of cherries appeared to prevent future flare ups of gout. Extract of cherries or gout supplement that contains wild cherry can also be taken along with the usual medications for gout to prevent attacks.

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Things You Need to Know About Ankle Arthritis

AnkleImage via WikipediaArthritis is the swelling and inflammation of the joints. It comes from the Greek work "arthro" meaning joint and "itis" which means inflammation.

Ankle arthritis is a condition where the ankle joint has been worn out due to the natural wear and tear process and can cause moderate to severe heel pain. Our bones are lined with cartilages inside the joints, very similar to the white stuff seen on a chicken drum stick. If you will notice, this cartilage is very smooth and slippery, very important in reducing any friction during articulation.

Now if your ankle joint develops arthritis, the cartilage bone loses its smooth and slippery qualities. This causes severe pain and can lead to secondary complications in the joint called synovitis. This also occurs when the soft tissues within the joints get inflamed.

Common conditions that can lead to ankle arthritis:

    * Previous injury to the ankle like frequent sprains can damage the cartilages.

    * Being obese can put a lot of stress to the ankle. These patients also accelerate the extent of damage to the joints.

    * Infections. Infection to the joints can eat away the smooth surface of the cartilages.

    * Genetics

There are several treatments for ankle arthritis. Resting is the simplest yet effective way  to manage ankle pain due to arthritis. Taking pain killers help but are not recommended since you are masking the pain therefore can lead to further injury. Ankle Distraction is a technique where the ankle joint is literally pulled apart for several weeks. This promotes healing of the damaged cartilage and has a very good success rate in reducing pain.

Also, our joints begin to stiffen as we age. During this time, Omega-3 fatty acids also help support healthy joints, joint flexibility and range of motion.Glucosamine is a natural compound that is found in healthy cartilage. It has been used in the complementary therapies in osteoarthritis, available joint smoother supplements.

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How to Identify Morton's Neuroma and How to Treat It

Human toesImage via WikipediaMorton's neuroma is an inflammation of the nerve fibers between the balls of the foot. Though a neuroma can occur anywhere in the foot, this type is usually found between the third and fourth toes.

Morton's neuroma, also called intermetatarsal neuroma, is caused by constant pressure to the nerves between the toes of the foot. This irritates the nerves causing inflammation and swelling.

Morton's neuroma symptoms start with numbness, tingling or burning sensation of the foot. In moderate cases, foot pain is characterized by shooting pain underneath the foot. In advanced cases, pain can be so severe and some patients may not be able to walk for many hours or days.

Non-surgical treatment involves applying ice packs, use of foot padding, wearing orthotic devices, behavioral modifications, taking pain relievers and directly injecting steroids on the affected area. These treatments are aimed in reducing pain and swelling.

Your podiatrist will likely suggest surgery if the above management do not provide pain relief. A surgical procedure that freezes the neuroma is an effective treatment. This is called cryosurgery of neuromas. The procedure requires only a small incision, then a probe is inserted and placed where the neuroma is located, this takes less than 20 minutes. Ultrasound is used to guide the metal probe real time. Then the neuroma is cooled down to -70 Fahrenheit. This is a relatively easy procedure in expert hands that require no stitching.

Family Foot and Leg Center is a medical center specializing in healing health issues with lower leg and ankle.  Contact Details:
Clinical Director: Kevin Lam DPM
Company Name: Family Foot & Leg Center, P.A.
Company Address: 661 Goodlette Road, Suite 101
                              12250 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 101
                               Naples, FL
Work Phone: 239 430 3668
Web Address: www.FamilyFootandLegCenter.com

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Knowing Ankle Arthritis and How To Treat It

AstragalectomyImage via WikipediaArthritis is commonly seen among the elderly and can affect any joints in the body. The usual symptom of arthritis is joint pain. There are two types of pain associated with arthritis: acute and chronic pain. Acute pain is temporary. Chronic pain is persisting pain, it doesn't go away. The severity of pain may lessen but it's still there. Chronic pain is always associated is osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Chronic pain is always occurs on weight bearing joints. Arthritis affecting the ankles is an excellent example. This involves joints between the shin bone and ankle bone or better known as tibiotalar joint and can cause severe heel pain.

Ankle arthritis almost always affects the elderly because of the natural degeneration of the joints. Every joint has a special tissue called cartilage bone. Every joint has this type of bone and it has a very smooth surface. As we get older, the smooth surface kind of roughens a bit and this is the cause of the arthritis pain. In worse cases, the cartilage can get totally worn out and the actual bones are rubbing against each other. Obviously this causes excruciating pain.

Ankle arthritis can also be found in the younger age group especially if the joint got injured. Cartilages can get damaged due to frequent sprains and causes a condition called osteochndritis dissicans. Being overweight can also put too much stress to the joints and the cartilages get to rub hard at each other because of the weight.
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Foot Care as Part of Healthy Living

 Taking care of your body is one the primary aspects of healthy living. Eating a well balanced diet, having regular exercise, and taking daily supplements of vitamins and minerals will help the body in the process of growth and cell rejuvenation.

Stress management is also very important. Everyone reacts to stress differently. Given a certain situation, some individuals would suffer severe anxiety while others may find it manageable or sometimes not stressful at all. Stress affects a lot of metabolic reactions in our body.

My left footImage via WikipediaAmazingly, our foot is the most ignored body part. According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, a survey showed that the foot has the lowest rank in the list of body parts and functions that most Americans consider important to their health.. In spite of the daily stresses on the feet, seldom do we provide care for this weight bearing body part. Sprains are usually dismissed and managed with pain relievers. We should be aware that the foot should be rested until the pain completely subsides. When a sprain is not treated, as unfortunately is all too often the case, repeated injuries may occur. A successive sprain may be more severe than the first, and cause an even more significant injury.

Nail fungus is also a potential problem. It is important to keep the feet clean and dry at all times. Fungal infection, once it occurs is very difficult to treat and is prone to recurrence. Tea tree oil, rich in components called terpenoids, have been found to have effective antiseptic and antifungal properties.

Foot care is an essential part of healthy living.
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What Causes Pain at the Back of the Foot?

Foot-outsideImage via WikipediaThe Achilles tendon is the largest and toughest tendon in the body. It is an important structure that help us balance. It is important in running and walking. This tendon can store energy when running, it works very much like a spring, and this springing action can increase running speeds without using much energy.

Tendons and ligaments are very similar in structure and function, the only difference is their attachment. Tendons attach muscle to bone and ligaments, ligaments attach bone to bone.

From above, the Achilles tendon attaches to the calf muscles: soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. And from below, the tendon attaches to the middle portion of the calcaneus, also called heel bone. Directly above the attachment on heel bone, there is a fluid-filled, pillow-like structure called the Retrocalcaneal Bursa. This serves a cushion between the Achilles tendon and heel bone, preventing these structures from being "rubbed together".

Heel pain is one of the most common foot complaints in adults of all ages. There are many causes of pain involving this area and pain affecting the posterior or back of the heel involves all structures discussed above. The following are the pathologic conditions involving each structure:

Retrocalcaneal bursitis is a swelling or inflammation of the retrocalcaneal bursa. Too much use of the ankle sometimes irritates this bursa and cause painful inflammation. This condition is often triggered by aggressive exercise or a sudden increase in activity without initial stretching and conditioning.

Calcaneal Spur. Normally, there is a bony prominence that is palpable at the heel bone. This is actually the insertion of the Achilles tendon to the calcaneal bone. Over time, this bony prominence can enlarge irritating the Achilles tendon. This bony growth is called Haglund's Deformity (pump bump).

Achilles tendinitis is an inflammation of the Achilles tendon. The cause can be due to the conditions above, tear during strenuous activities, or the natural "wear and tear" degeneration because of aging causing foot pain.
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ESWT: The Safest Way To Treat Foot and Joint Pains

Gray438-croppedImage via Wikipedia
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy or ESWT is a new treatment modality used for heel pain or foot pain and different kinds of joint pains. This new medical device is approved in the US by the FDA for treating foot pain due to plantar fasciitis and tennis elbow. There are many more future approvals from the FDA with the use of ESWT for other health conditions like Achilles tendinitis, patella tendinitis and a lot more.

ESWT is a unique treatment because it stimulates the natural healing properties of the body and can cure chronic pain. There are two theories on how this device promotes tissue healing:

1. The shock waves produced by ESWT machine induce microscopic injuries to the affected area, creating new growth of vascularisation. Increased vascularisation means more blood flow to the injured muscle tissues, ligaments and tendons.
2. Since there are minute injuries due to the shock wave, the body naturally treats the newly induced injuries and at the same time heals old joint injuries that the body has been ignoring or desensitized to. This makes ESWT very ideal for treating chronic pain.

Extracorporeal is a medical term which means that a medical procedure is done outside the body. It is a low-risk and non-invasive procedure with minimal or no side effects.

The procedure is simple and is very similar to ultrasound. First, the damaged tissue is located around the painful area of the body. Once the targeted tissue is found, multiple shockwaves are introduced to create micro injuries which actually help to induce the natural healing process, creating new tissue growth and therefore repairing new or chronically damaged tendons.

This is all done in just 30 minutes and depending on the extent of damage, it may require successive sessions to treat the pain. For some patients, the pain relief is observed with a single treatment, for some pain relief is gradual. There are complaints of minimal pain after the procedure but this is rare.
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Things You Should Know About Heel Pain

Grown male right foot (angle 1)Image via Wikipedia

Heel pain is one of the common foot problems in adults. It occurs mostly among active individuals, people who are overweight, those using improper footwear, females or simply reaching the age of 40 and above.

The feet have an important function in absorbing all the weight of the body while walking. At the same time, they help provide stability and balance. The heel bone is the largest of all the bones of the foot.

The heel is the part of the foot that first comes in contact with the ground while walking. Daily walking or other activities like running or jogging can put stress to the heel. Over time, this stress can result to injury to the heel leading to heel pain.

At first, heel pain is only minimal and tolerable, this is commonly ignored because the heel naturally heals itself and the pain usually disappears. But in some cases the healing process is overcome with the constant injury induced by daily activities. If this is not addressed properly and again ignored, this can lead to heel pain.

The occurrence of chronic heel pain happens when an acute pain is managed with pain medications. Pain relievers reduce or sometimes totally stop the pain. This is an improper way to treating foot pain because it can mask foot problems which can actually get more severe in the future. When the heel pain is gone we continue to use the injured foot instead of resting and giving it time to heal.

Generally, heel pain in general can be caused by several factors but commonly involves injury to the plantar fascia (plantar fasciitis) and the Achilles tendon (Achilles tendonitis). In some cases, due to muscle tension and strain, bone formation can occur due to the inflammatory response called periostitis. The bone always grows towards the pulling and can cause severe pain.

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How is Uric Acid formed in the Body?

Human body external featuresImage via WikipediaMost of us have heard of the term GOUT. But not many individuals are familiar with what Gout truly is, unless they've experienced gout's agonizing pain personally, or watched a loved-one temporarily suffer the symptoms.

Gout is a disorder of metabolism. It all starts with something called Purines. Purines are found in the foods that we eat. Purine-rich foods include such indulgences like alcohol, particularly beer, meats, seafood, and certain vegetables and legumes. These purines are naturally broken down via metabolism in the human body, into a product called Uric Acid. The Uric Acid is excreted through our kidneys. The breakdown of purines into uric acid is a natural process in human metabolism. But, when our body has difficulty excreting the uric acid, it is then when gout flare-ups begin. This excess of uric acid builds up into certain joints of the body, and in the foot, the most common location is in the big toe joint.

Why does the body have difficulty excreting the uric acid? Most frequently, after ingestion of these protein-rich foods, the body cannot keep up with excreting the extra uric acid, and these uric acid levels build up. Sometimes, there is a defect in one's metabolism where the individual is missing a certain enzyme that breaks the purines down into uric acid, resulting in excessive uric acid build-up with nowhere to go!

This abundance of uric acid likes to live in certain locations in the human skeleton, like knees, elbows, ears, and in the big toes! Once settled into their favorite location, the area becomes extremely red, swollen, and painful! It is so painful that a common description of pain is "so uncomfortable that a bed sheet touching my toe is excruciating!"

Again, the initial presentation of gout in the big toe presents as a red, hot, and swollen toe/joint that is significantly painful. X-rays are usually taken in the office, but it takes approximately 10 years for x-rays to show x-ray signs. So remember that x-ray's probably won't show anything at all, but soft tissue swelling.

Gout is a diagnosis based on your doctor's clinical suspicion. In other words, we suspect gout when the patient presents with the red, hot, swollen joint, has a history of gout, has eaten purine-rich foods recently, and sometimes when they've bumped or stubbed the toe. (That's right; sometimes trauma can precipitate a gout attack!).

What treatment should you expect if you present to your foot doctor with gout? X-rays are possibly a cortisone injection into the joint to break up inflammation and pain; an oral medication, specifically prescribed for acute gout, and labwork to review your uric acid levels. That's it! Usually, the symptoms are improved in a day or two, and resolved in 5-7 days. Sometimes patients are prescribed gout medications for daily intake for life to protect you from future gout flare-ups.

What can you do to protect yourself from another painful gout flare-up? First and foremost...diet control! Limit those purine-rich foods mentioned above! Gout is nicknamed "The Rich Man's Disease." Why?? Because those purine-rich foods like meat and seafood are expensive! Secondly, take your gout medication daily to prevent a new flare-up.

Although gout has a predilection for certain populations, it can affect anyone. Patients with symptomatic gout are now found surprisingly in young ages recently.

In addition to regular medications, gout supplements in easy pill form have helped relieve symptoms in countless gout sufferers.

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Top Risk Factors for Developing Gout

Shellharbour Food Photography: Seafood Platter...Image by Vanessa Pike-Russell via FlickrGout is a painful form of arthritis that usually affects the big toe. Because of elevated uric acid levels in the blood, the joints become red, swollen, and stiff. The uric acid crystallizes and accumulates in the joints, usually at the joint at the base of the big toe. Under normal conditions, uric acid dissolves in the blood and passes out through the kidneys into the urine. However, there are cases where the body either produces too much uric acid or the kidneys excrete too little uric acid.

It may also affect the ankles, heels, instep, knees, wrists, fingers, and elbows. It is described as pain that occurs suddenly, often at night, and without warning. There are factors that increase the uric acid levels in the body such as excessive alcohol use. It has been found out that beer is the type of alcohol that is most strongly associated with gout. This is mostly noted in younger adults who often engage in binge drinking.

Individuals with a family history of gout are also at an increased risk of developing the disease. About one out of five people with gout has a family history of the condition.

Diet plays a major role in gout development. It is particularly related to excessive consumption of meat and seafood. It is best to stay away from foods that are high in protein and high in purines such as mussels, scallops, sardines, herring, hearts, kidneys, liver, and anchovies.

Men are at a greater risk for gout development and men commonly experience the initial gout attack between the ages of 30 and 50. In women, the risk increases after menopause. By the age of 60, the incidence is about the same in men and women.

There are also certain medications that can lead to increased uric acid levels because they impair the ability of the body to remove uric acid. Some drugs include diuretics, niacin or nicotinic acid, salicylates such as aspirin, cyclosporine, and levodopa.

The treatment for gout are lifestyle and diet changes, prescription medications, and gout supplements particularly those that contain wild cherry such as GouTrol.
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Lack of Thiamine Can Cause Nerve and Heart Problems

Vitamins!Image by bradley j via Flickr When the body does not meet the minimum requirement for thiamine, this is called thiamine deficiency or beriberi. This occurs due to insufficient consumption of thiamine or due to lack of absorption of thiamine especially for patients who underwent gastrectomy.

Thiamine deficiency can be classified into two types. One affects the cardiovascular system and is termed wet beriberi. The second type affects the nervous system and is called dry beriberi.

In the United States, thiamine deficiency is uncommon since foods are now vitamin enriched. Only people who are heavy drinkers most often develop symptoms of beriberi. Excessive alcohol intake makes it difficult for the body to properly absorb thiamine. In worst cases, permanent brain damage can happen and this is called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

Patients who take diuretics or those who had undergone dialysis can develop beriberi. Infants with asymptomatic mothers who have beriberi can develop infantile beriberi since the milk produced by the mother does not contain or lacks thiamine.


Symptoms of dry beriberi are more on peripheral neurophaty: loss of sensation on feet and hands, paralysis of the lower leg, difficulty walking, confusion, back and forth eye movement (nystagmus), lack of concentration, difficulty talking, pain, vomiting, and tingling sensations.

Symptoms of dry beriberi affect mostly the heart. The symptoms include shortness of breath at night that causes the patient to awaken suddenly, shortness of breath after mild activity, palpitations, and edema of the lower extremities.


Treating this type of deficiency is not really difficult. By simply correcting the levels of thiamine and maintaining it at sufficient levels will mitigate all symptoms. This is done by taking oral supplements or through injection of thiamine. To test how a patient responds to the medication, blood test is usually done after administration.


Eating foods rich in thiamine such as oat meal, eggs, liver, potatoes, oranges, flax and sunflower seeds. Daily vitamin supplements are also an excellent source of thiamine. Refrain from drinking alcohol. Raw meat from fresh water fish and shellfish contain thiaminase. Thiaminase is a enzyme that breaks down thiamine. It is suggested to cook fish and shellfish thoroughly.
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Corals Are Rich Sources Of Natural Calcium

CoralImage by JoshBerglund19 via Flickr
When it comes to calcium, we commonly think of healthy bones and teeth. The fact is, calcium is not only limited to our teeth and bones, it’s also needed for all types of important bodily functions.
It is true that almost all calcium is deposited into our bones and only a small portion of this mineral is found floating around our circulatory system. This small portion of calcium plays a vital role on different functions of the body like: muscle contractions, nerve signal conduction, moving nutrients within the cell and a lot more. Calcium is a vital mineral the body needs to function properly, without it the body will not be able to survive.

Though the bulk of calcium is found in bone, this mineral is repeatedly being released to the circulatory system and reabsorbed again into the bone. A typical American diet consist more on meat instead of vegetables. Meat and bread made of refined flour are more acidic when absorbed in the body, as compared to greens which is more alkaline. When the regulatory system of the body senses an acid build up, this triggers calcium stores from the bone to be released into the circulatory system to maintain the body's normal ph.

For this reason, taking dietary calcium supplements are needed to prevent or treat any bone weakening or commonly called osteoporosis.

A natural supplement that is rich in calcium comes from corals. Coral calcium is composed of calcium carbonate and is one of the easily absorbable forms of calcium. Also, coral calcium naturally contains trace amounts of magnesium, a mineral that also help in the alkalinity of the body.
Coral calcium obvious comes from fossilized corals which where once parts of the coral reef. Only dead corals are used since this can create a huge environmental impact to the seas natural eco system if live corals are taken.

Typically, coral calcium are harvested either from the bottom of the ocean, also called below sea coral calcium or from above sea. Above sea calcium corals are corals that lived for hundreds of years but have been covered up with layers of sand until mined. Below sea corals are already dead corals laying around at the bottom of the ocean floor that are collected by vacuuming.

Natural calcium derived from corals help increase bone density and is excellent for prevention and treating osteoporosis. Coral Calcium are typically sold in tablet from, vitamin D is added to help assist in calcium absorption.

Remember, it’s great to take daily vitamin supplements, but it would be best to take minerals supplements too.
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Learn About the Importance of Calcium for Your Health

BonesImage by Theen ... via Flickr
Calcium is an essential mineral that the body needs for good health. It is often mistaken  that the main function of calcium is only to maintain strong bones and teeth.  The fact is, calcium plays an important role in a lot of bodily functions.

Calcium is needed to help carry substances between the cell wall, it helps transmit nerve signals from one neuron to another, it is needed in the contractions of all muscles, and calcium is also needed for balancing blood pH levels.

The body strictly regulates the levels of calcium to maintain the pH of the body which is about 7.35 to 7.45. Anything below 7.35 will trigger the release of calcium from bone. On the other hand, above 7.45 encourages calcium to be absorbed back to the bone. 

If there is less calcium intake from food, the body will be forced to use up all available calcium from the bones and this can lead to osteoporosis. For this reason, calcium supplements are very important to prevent and treat any calcium deficiency. A 20 year old adult typically needs about 1000 mg of calcium a day and a teenager who is at a growth spurt needs about 1200 mg a day. The advice of medical experts is that supplements are taken in with food and. It is also best to spread the dosage, taking half the dose in the morning and the other half in the evening for better calcium absorption.

Vitamin D is typically added to calcium supplements. Vitamin D is important since this vitamin is converted into a hormone that synthesizes the production of intestinal proteins. These intestinal proteins, on the other hand, help in the absorption of calcium in the gut.

There are a lot of foods rich is calcium. Milk is rich in this mineral and is easily absorbed. Unfortunately, a lot of people are lactose intolerant. Soya Milk is vegetable derived milk that is rich in protein. Calcium is added to meet the required calcium levels.

Coral calcium is another excellent source of calcium. This calcium supplement is usually in tablet or powder form and this product really comes from fossilized corals. Coral calcium is made of calcium carbonate and trace minerals.
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