Foot Care as Part of Healthy Living

 Taking care of your body is one the primary aspects of healthy living. Eating a well balanced diet, having regular exercise, and taking daily supplements of vitamins and minerals will help the body in the process of growth and cell rejuvenation.

Stress management is also very important. Everyone reacts to stress differently. Given a certain situation, some individuals would suffer severe anxiety while others may find it manageable or sometimes not stressful at all. Stress affects a lot of metabolic reactions in our body.

My left footImage via WikipediaAmazingly, our foot is the most ignored body part. According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, a survey showed that the foot has the lowest rank in the list of body parts and functions that most Americans consider important to their health.. In spite of the daily stresses on the feet, seldom do we provide care for this weight bearing body part. Sprains are usually dismissed and managed with pain relievers. We should be aware that the foot should be rested until the pain completely subsides. When a sprain is not treated, as unfortunately is all too often the case, repeated injuries may occur. A successive sprain may be more severe than the first, and cause an even more significant injury.

Nail fungus is also a potential problem. It is important to keep the feet clean and dry at all times. Fungal infection, once it occurs is very difficult to treat and is prone to recurrence. Tea tree oil, rich in components called terpenoids, have been found to have effective antiseptic and antifungal properties.

Foot care is an essential part of healthy living.
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