Knowing Ankle Arthritis and How To Treat It

AstragalectomyImage via WikipediaArthritis is commonly seen among the elderly and can affect any joints in the body. The usual symptom of arthritis is joint pain. There are two types of pain associated with arthritis: acute and chronic pain. Acute pain is temporary. Chronic pain is persisting pain, it doesn't go away. The severity of pain may lessen but it's still there. Chronic pain is always associated is osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Chronic pain is always occurs on weight bearing joints. Arthritis affecting the ankles is an excellent example. This involves joints between the shin bone and ankle bone or better known as tibiotalar joint and can cause severe heel pain.

Ankle arthritis almost always affects the elderly because of the natural degeneration of the joints. Every joint has a special tissue called cartilage bone. Every joint has this type of bone and it has a very smooth surface. As we get older, the smooth surface kind of roughens a bit and this is the cause of the arthritis pain. In worse cases, the cartilage can get totally worn out and the actual bones are rubbing against each other. Obviously this causes excruciating pain.

Ankle arthritis can also be found in the younger age group especially if the joint got injured. Cartilages can get damaged due to frequent sprains and causes a condition called osteochndritis dissicans. Being overweight can also put too much stress to the joints and the cartilages get to rub hard at each other because of the weight.
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